Welcome to Blackpowder: Faith and Sacrifice

The Republic of Venice has been at war with the Ottoman Empire and the Papal States for most of the last 150 years. Venice in 1569 is a city of powerful merchant families and trade guilds. Venice is a city of rare religious tolerance and is mostly free of fanaticism except for a few members of the Inquisition who work to root out Jews and other heretics. Powerful merchant lords rule the city, command scores of ships, reside within grand palaces and surround themselves with the world’s greatest artists. But the story does not take place there.

This story takes place in the ghettos, on the canals and docks of the bustling metropolis. It is here that simple people fight against murderous cults, demons, necromancers, and other Twisted Things.

Vincenzo Falieri, a guilt ridden, soul-stained former Jesuit turned stevedore crew boss. He has a dark past. Marcel, rakish French smuggler, Vincenzo’s loyal right hand. Alexa, in her late teens – rebellious, tough, smart, and a survivor. Nico, also in his late teens, good hearted, loyal to a fault, and he loves Alexa who ignores him. Vincenzo keeps them all together and sailing straight as they struggle to scrape by on the docks.

The Crew are joined by a thuggish Turk sent as an unwitting minion of their enemy; a mysterious seafaring woman of surreal beauty; and a young Jew who possesses much needed knowledge about demons and the cults who worship them.

Dark forces have grown roots into the city over the centuries. Hidden demonic cults have infested the merchant families, the guilds and even the church. When Vincenzo is chosen to lead the secret investigation by the Superior General of his former order, he suddenly gains enemies everywhere and finds himself and his crew on the run from corrupt constables, guild bosses, and unknown assassins. Twisted Things hide in every shadow and around every corner of the city as The Crew tries to discover the source of the corruption.

Blackpowder: Faith and Sacrifice
has been a labor of love for the author and the artist. Volume 1 is the first issue in a massive series which takes the readers deep into the dark canals of Venice, across the sea against pirates and demons and into the bowels of slave fortresses to save their beloved city, Venice – the city of dreams.

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